Mo-House Nursing clothes and Activities.

Breaking News

Mo-House president Mitsuhata in GCTF

Mitsuhata attended GCTF workshop

Founder of Mo-House, Yuka Mitsuhata attended a Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) workshop on building a bright future for women entrepreneurs in tech from Nov.14-16. ..........

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「全球合作即训练架构」下的『科技为女企业家共建美好未来』的研讨会, ............

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About Our Activity

When we can choose a variety of work styles,
the world will be better.

The starting point of Mo-House

The inspiration for creating Mo-House came to Ms. Mitsuhata, CEO and founder of Mo-House, in the summer of 1997 when she experienced difficulties while breastfeeding her child on a train.

Currently, Mo-House employs 45 staff, most of which are mothers with children ranging from infants to teenagers, and half the staff choose to work with their children in the workplace.
One of the reasons why Ms. Mitsuhata created Mo-House Nursing Wear is because she felt uncomfortable breastfeeding in public. “Child rearing” should be natural. Unfortunately, it is accompanied by difficulties, inconveniences, worries, and stifled feelings.

Why is that?

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那天,这位母亲带着一个月大的宝宝出门。 想要吃奶的宝宝突然大哭了起来,母亲不得不在电车中哺乳。 当时的不知所措,周围的视线……

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About Our Products

The reasons why Mo-House nursing clothes are easy to use is because...

We think about the mothers and their babies, and committed to “easy nursing”. At Mo-House, we believe that by wearing our nursing clothes, it will make breastfeeding easy, allow the mothers to move around, and bring more enjoyment in raising a child. That is why instead of creating nursing clothes with simple cut-out breastfeeding ports, we have put our efforts in creating functional nursing clothes that allow mothers to breastfeed their babies without showing skin.

MO HOUSE哺乳服方便使用的理由是……

兼顾母亲和婴儿的生活, 将“便利哺乳”的追求 贯彻到底。 身穿MO HOUSE哺乳服,哺乳更轻松,扩大了妈妈的行动范围,充分享受育儿生活乐趣。 因此,不仅仅是设计了哺乳口的哺乳服,更是致力于制作出不论何时何地,都能不露肌肤哺乳功能的哺乳服。

What makes Mo-House nursing clothes different?

・Allow mothers to breastfeed anywhere without showing their breasts. ・Great breastfeeding function that allows breastfeeding in one second. ・Washing machine tested and made with durable materials and careful stitching. “Concealed from every angle.” “Can you tell that she’s breastfeeding?”

MO HOUSE的哺乳服哪里与众不同?

·无论何地,都能不露肌肤哺乳的构造 ·方便使用,一秒内就能哺乳的构造 ·经洗涤测试验证,牢固的素材和精细的缝制 不管哪个角度都看不见肌肤 实际哺乳中!
“追求一天内多次哺乳的便利” 为此,MO HOUSE精益求精。 介绍我们的五个追求: